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Gait disturbances Gait Cause Of Gait
1 Antalgic Gait pain
2 Vaulting gait common in children with limb length discrepancy pelvic droop, decreased hip, and knee flexion, ankle plantar-flexion shoe lift or surgery for difference longer than 2 cm; no treatment needed otherwise
3 Trendelenburg gait pelvis drops to the unaffected side. hip abductor weakness Treatment: gluteus medius strengthening
4 Posterior lurch gait backward trunk lean with hyperextended hip during the stance phase of the affected limb hip extensor weakness Treatment: gluteus maximus strengthening
5 Knee buckling – genu recurvatum posterior capsule locks affected knee joint, hyperextending knee by forwarding trunk leading knee extensor weakness Treatment: solid or hinged ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) and quadriceps strengthening
6 Steppage gait unable to heel strike causing initial contact with toes (foot drop) ankle dorsiflexion weakness Treatment: hinged or posterior leaf spring AFO and electrical stimulator
7 Calcaneal gait knee flexion movement with excess tibial motion over ankle during mid to late stance ankle plantar flexor weakness Treatment: hinged or solid AFO to prevent buckling at knee
8 Waddling gait toe walking (posterior lurch and bilateral Trendelenburg) proximal muscle weakness Treatment: low-resistant strength training, aerobic exercise
9 Scissor gait (Crouched gait) Cerebral palsy prolonged neonatal hypoxia, Brain injury during birth Treatment: supportive care
10 Ataxic gait broad-based, unsteady cerebellar syndrome (alcohol, phenytoin, stroke, tumor, degenerative, inflammatory)
11 Sensory ataxic gait stomping gait, Romberg’s test positive Vitamin B12 deficiency. The patients use visual control to compensate for the loss of proprioception
12 Hemiparetic gait gait is slow, with a broad base, knee, and hip are extended, during the swing phase, the paretic leg performs a lateral movement (circumduction) stroke, tumor, trauma, degenerative, inflammatory, vasculitis
13 Festinating gait (Shuffling gait) short stepped, hurrying, with weak arm swing, or naturally very slow (parkinsonian), in some patients with freezing and slow turning Parkinson disease Treatment: dopamine agonist, dopamine precursors, and deep brain stimulation
14 Apraxic frontal gait (Apractic or Bruns apraxia): gait ignition failure, or with walking difficulty Bifrontal lesions
15 Hyperkinetic gait chorea, dystonia, Wilson disease
16 Freezing gait typically occur on turning or when approaching obstacles,

Can fall easily

Parkinson’s disease
17 Myelopatic gait spastic or stiff gait
18 Propulsive gait center of gravity anterior to the body
19 Magnetic gai broad-based, short-stepped, “stuck to the floor,”
20 Myoclonic gait short-lasting, involuntary jerks
21 Thalamic astasia fall backward or to the contralateral side while sitting or standing caused by thalamic lesions or stokes